Fall 2019
Computer Science 503 is a foundation course on computer architecture and operating systems for students coming from other disciplines , or as a refreshment for computer science students. This course goes into details of modern computer building blocks, such as CPU, Memory, and IO. Assembly language is taught in this course to provide a low-level exposure to architecture. COMP 503 also goes into details of basic Operating System concepts, such as processes, scheduling, security, and others.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 504. The design and analysis of efficient data structures and algorithms has long been recognized as a key subject in computing and information systems. This course discusses the fundamental concepts, principles, and techniques for effective programming, algorithm analysis, and design.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 506 introduces students to the field of organizational behaviour (OB) and explores the connections between organizational behavior and information technology.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 601 includes a survey of tools and techniques you may use in your graduate studies. It also involves writing academic papers, writing a notebook in which you will reflect on your experiences in this course, and finally creating a reusable learning object.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 607 is designed to provide an opportunity to explore legal, ethical and social issues relating to the use of computers through a combination of independent study, discussion, argumentation, reflection and cooperative work done with others on the course.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 637. People and businesses benefit extensively from mobile technologies, which at anytime and from anywhere, provide a user with the ability to receive emails, browse Web pages, play online games, and upload/download important documents using either smart phones or laptops with 3.5G wireless adapters.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 656 provides a graduate-level comprehensive introduction to cloud computing with an emphasis on advanced topics. It is designed in a workshop format with three workshops focusing on key topics.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 660 students will study various security issues associated with the development and deployment of information systems, including Internet-based e-commerce, e-business, and e-service systems, as well as the technologies required to develop secure information systems for enterprises. Students will also learn about the policies and regulations essential to the security of enterprise information systems.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 683 is an overview course detailing the role of analytics in learning and knowledge development. Most of the topics do not require advanced statistical methods or technical skills.
Fall 2019
Computer Science 684 approaches Business intelligence from both technological and managerial viewpoints. Learners can orient their study towards technologies that support managerial approaches or towards business strategies that meet technological expectations.